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Shiba Inu For Sale In California
Shiba Inu For Sale
Shiba Inu Sale
Finally, I present an eBook dedicated specifically to lovers of Shiba Inu s.
Its not your fault that your Shiba Inu has little obedience. The problem is that very little information is targeted specifically for training Shiba Inu s; they are a strong willed breed that can be tough to train if you dont have any guidance.
The Shiba is the smallest of the Japanese native breeds, which include the Kai Inu, Hokkaido Inu, Kishu Inu, Shikoku Inu, Tosa Inuand the Akita Inu. Despite its smaller size it was bred to hunt small wild game, bear, boar and to flush birds. The Shiba Inu is a social animal that responds to a dominant subordinate hierarchy. Creating these rules will establish you as the Master and your Shiba as the Follower. Consistency in obedience training is as important as it is in potty training.
The eBook 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets' covers everything you need to know about Shiba Inu s. Unlike those generic Books about dogs you find in pet stores, libraries or even online.
Actually, it is unlike any other eBook I have seen.
In this ebook you will find all sorts of useful tips ... from how to know and understand the psychology of a Shiba Inu , to making him obey you and stop using the house as a bathroom, to controlling him the right way and making him stay and heel
Some things you'll learn in the eBook 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets':
How to get a Shiba Inu stop to relieving themselves inside the house using a simple and fast method (in fact, an entire chapter of the eBook is dedicated to this topic).
Learn how to understand what the Shiba Inu wants to tell you by reading their body language. ... Discover the secret to understanding your Shiba Inu ; this information is so powerful that your friends will think you have become a dog whisperer!
Discover how the Shiba Inu breed thinks and how to use this to your advantage, training your dog to be obedient, enabling your pet to learn as much as you want to teach.
Learn a secret tactic to raiseing an obedient Shiba Inu that few professional coaches know.
A proven formula to make your Shiba Inu to stop jumping on you and other people (people who visit your home will be surprised at how polite and obedient is your dog).
Five rules for teaching your Shiba Inu to pay attention to you and not continuously repeat bad behaviors.
A simple technique to prevent your Shiba Inu from chewing your shoes, destroying your furniture and everything else, even if your pet has been treated or trained poorly.
Learn three tricks to make your Shiba Inu always understand and follow your orders by only using body language and tone of voice.
An exercise to change the way you treat your Shiba Inu is also included; this enables you to easily educate you and your dog. Soon your pet will understand exactly the way you want it to behave.
A novel system for training Shiba Inu s; your dog will be obedient, educated and happy.
What is the proper way to reward a Shiba Inu ? Believe me: its not like other dog breeds (just by learning this secret alone you know that your dog will be much more compliant).
The key to getting a Shiba Inu stop to relieve themselves indoors.
Three effective ways to punish a Shiba Inu that is behaving badly or doing something you do not like all without harming your pet or screaming (in applying these three methods, your dog will effectively understand what you teach it).
Four tricks that you can easily teach your Shiba Inu in order to get it to obey your orders and behave properly.
Seven tips to keep in mind before you train a Shiba Inu to make sure your pet pays close attention and does not get bored while following your instructions.
How to teach a Shiba Inu to sit where you deem appropriate.
A quick and easy way to teach a Shiba Inu to lie down immediately after you issue the command.
How to get a Shiba Inu to respond to 'come here' in three easy steps. This amazing eBook also teaches you how to make them bring you anything you ask (as long as its not bigger than it can carry!).
I'll explain in detail and step by step how to end each of the most common behavior problems related to the Shiba Inu breed.
Finally, discover the most effective way to teach a Shiba Inu to stay put where you order.
What to do if your Shiba Inu pulls their leash or refuses to go where you want to when you taking a walk; after learning these methods, your walks with your pet will be relaxing and easy, not frustrating and tiresome.
How to teach your Shiba Inu to walk by your side when youre out for walks and always behave while in public.
An amazing technique to control excessive barking; this enables you to make your dog bark when you want and shut up when you decide.
The wrong ways to teach a Shiba Inu to stop relieving themselves inside the house that can lead you directly to failure (just knowing this information will allow you to avoid cleaning up a lot of manure behind the sofa).
How to get a Shiba Inu to stop biting your shoes, furniture and everything else is in just 7 steps.
Four simple tips to deter your Shiba Inu from biting you and others.
Discover how to get your Shiba Inu stop stealing your shoes (or any other object for that matter).
This eBook teaches one particular technique to end all bad behaviors (with this technique, your Shiba Inu will understand that it must immediately stop).
And this is only part of what youll find in the eBook Shiba Inu Training Secrets!
Maybe after reading all of this you are wondering...
What is the Price of this incredible
Let me ask you this...
How much does it cost for you to have a Shiba Inu that always behaves, does not cause disasters, doesnt urinate in the house, and is an overall pleasure for your family to be around?
What if you were able to train your Shiba Inu easily, ending all their bad behaviors quickly and forever?
Imagine how your life would be if your Shiba Inu was polite, obedient and happy. How much is that worth to you?
Seriously ... how much is worth to you to receive tremendous happiness from your pet for both you and your family (instead of constant frustration and disappointment)?
If you really take the time to think about everything that you save, things like: time cleaning, repairing the house, fixing your garden after your dog makes a mess, etc. if you were to hire a professional trainer how much would you end up spending? Can you even put a price on the constant, annoying bad times caused by your Shiba Inu s misbehavior when visitors come over? I am sure that by taking all these factors into account, this easily adds up to more than $ 1000.
Hiring a quality Shiba Inu trainer can cost you a minimum of around $300 dollars a month (thats if you find a good deal!).
But relax, this eBook is priced very affordably.
The price of the eBook, 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets,' is only one payment of $9.99 USD.
Why Am I Offering All This for
Only $9.99?
Being honest with you, I should be charging more.
The first reason why I have the price so low is because this is an introductory offer; I plan to soon raise the price to $47.77 dollars as this information extremely specialized; some professional Shiba Inu trainers do not even know the information that exists in this eBook.
The second reason is because the guide 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets' is an electronic book in a PDF format.
This means that once you make an immediate purchase and download the eBook you will enjoy your content from the privacy and comfort of your computer. And you have the option to print it as many times as you want.
This means that production and shipping costs are practically zero. The money I save in overhead is transferred directly to you.
But wait, that's not at all...
Free Bonuses to Make your Purchase an Easy Decision
Because I want your Shiba Inu to behave and obey your orders while also staying healthy, I want to give a gift (only for those who buy now).
Along with the purchase of the eBook 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets,' I'm going to give these 3 free bonuses, only if purchased today.
Free Bonus 1: PDF Report 'Shiba Inu Puppy Training Plan' (Valued at $ 35) If you have only had your Shiba Inu puppy for a few days, or your Shiba Inu is less than 7 months old and never was taught anything, this guide is perfect for you.
This guide will present a 25 day plan to train your Shiba Inu puppy to be obedient and socialized, no matter how ignorant you are on the subject, all by only dedicating 10 minutes a day.
Some of the things you'll learn:
2 artifacts in the basic training of young Shiba Inu s. If your pet becomes familiar these tools, educating your Shiba Inu will be a piece of cake.
A fun game to train your Shiba Inu ... a game so fun for your pet that it will never realize it is actually being trained to become obedient and practice good behavior.
What you should never do when training a small Shiba Inu ; if you make this mistake your pet will become bored and lose interest quickly (believe me: this is a VERY common mistake among Shiba Inu owners).
The right way to get a Shiba Inu to heel; this is of tremendous importance for dogs under 5 months old.
and many more...
Free Bonus 2: MP3 Audio 'The Secret to Getting Your Shiba Inu to Stop From Chewing Everything it Finds' (Valued at $ 25)
In this audio I reveal an amazing secret to stop your Shiba Inu from chewing on your valuable shoes, furniture, and more. It is so simple that it could be applied right now, the same day you purchase the program!
In this audio you will learn:
Why repeatedly taking your Shiba Inu to obedience school doesnt help to end its bad habits.
The first thing to teach your Shiba Inu to never chew your shoes, furniture, plants, papers or other valuables.
Youll learn a simple trick: how to teach your dog to automatically stay away from all objects that you do not want it to bite.
and more...
Free Bonus 3: PDF Report 'How to Make your Shiba Inu Stop Biting and Hurting Others' (Valued at $ 27)
This is the perfect complement to the eBook 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets. In this special report, I will teach you how to make your dog stop biting. It will be only a matter of days before your Shiba Inu stops biting your fingers.
Some of the things you'll learn:
4 ways to stop your Shiba Inu from biting and injuring others: although it may be cute when your Shiba Inu is a puppy, it can become a serious problem as an adult.
What to do if your Shiba Inu still bites as an adult.
Why a Shiba Inu bites people in the first place and what you must do to avoid it.
Youll also learn a simple trick that will make your Shiba Inu never bite you again.
and more...
Phew... That's a Quality List of Gifts, Is
Not It? Over $80 in Bonuses!
Each gift is worth every penny. But wait, these gifts are only available if you buy 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets' right now.
But I don't know how long these free bonuses will be available. They are part of a marketing test I'm doing. Basically, as an $80 value, at any time I could remove them forever and sell them separately.
I don't want to pressure you, but if you really want them you better hurry.
I am so sure of the effectiveness of the techniques taught in the eBook 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets' that Im going to offer a spectacular guarantee...
100 Satisfaction Guarantee
For 60 days
So, if after the purchase you feel that the product does not meet your expectations or you did not find anything useful for your particular situation, just let me know and I will refund your money, no questions asked.
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This is a risk free offer; no questions, changing of clauses or loopholes. Think about this: whether you love the eBook or request a full refund eBook you still end up with the eBook; this is a win-win situation for you! It would be great if all products offered a similar guarantee, right?
So you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain.
In Summary You're Obtaining...
The eBook 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets' (Valued at $ 47.77)
More your Free Bonuses:
Free Bonus 1: PDF Report Shiba Inu Puppy Training Plan'(Valued at $35.00) Shiba Inu For Sale In California
Free Bonus 2: MP3 Audio 'The Secret to Getting Your Shiba Inu to Stop From Chewing Everything it Finds' (Valued at $ 25.00)
Free Bonus 3: PDF Report 'How to Make your Shiba Inu Stop Biting and Hurting Others' (Valued at $ 27.00)
We're carrying all this amazing material valued at $144 for just a one-off fee of $ 9.99, but only if you buy now.
'Shiba Inu Training Secrets' is an innovative guide on Shiba Inu dogs and is the result of years of research.
All tips, techniques and secrets regarding Shiba Inu dogs is now available in simple English, explained in a way that anyone can interpret... you dont have to be a canine specialist to understand.
It is a truly unique in its kind; you will not find this information in any library or eBook store.
And best of all, you can begin reading this eBook within the next 5 minutes.
This eBook normally costs $47.77 dollars, but as part of our 'Introductory Offer,' you can get a copy for just $9.99 dollars.
This is $30 less than the normal price! Click 'Buy Now' to place your order with a secure credit card and gain instant access to the download page; dont miss out on your chance to obtain this amazing information for such a low price.
To get the eBook 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets' just click on the 'Order Now' button below:
After you've placed your order, you will have instant access to it. You do not have to wait weeks and weeks to come home!
$9.99 dollars is really a bargain compared with $47.77 dollars that others will have to pay. Even at the full price, it is still a very low cost to have a Shiba Inu that listens to you, is happy and well behaved. And this is exactly what we have put into practice throughout the tips given in 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets.'
Would you like to end the bad behaviors of your pet forever? How would you like your Shiba Inu to be educated, sociable, obedient and happy? The choice is yours ... you must take the next step.
Click on the 'Order Now' button to get the eBook 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets' at my very low introductory price:
I am sure that my eBook will mesmerize and delight you; youll be glad you made the purchase once you have a happy Shiba Inu that follows all orders and is extremely well behaved.
I wish you years of fun and happiness with your Shiba Inu .
Yours truly,
Mark Mendoza
A lover of Shiba Inu dogs
P.S. Remember, this is an introductory offer; it is likely that the price will increase to $47.77 dollars very, very soon. Do not put off the purchase; act now and get your hands on the eBook 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets' for only $9.99 dollars.
P.P.S. The eBook 'Shiba Inu Training Secrets' is a downloadable PDF file meaning that once the credit card purchase goes through, you will have immediate access to a page where you can download the eBook along with all the other free amazing gift vouchers.
See What Others Have to Say
Below are testimonials of satisfied clients who have followed my advice in training their Shiba Inu s.
'I bought the eBook recently, and I've gotten my dog to sit when ordered. I am also able to get him to remain seated until called. I think very soon I will achieve all my goals with my dog.'
Alice Smith. Kansas
'I am very happy with the purchase; it is more pleasant bathing and brushing my dog. When its time to go for a walk her behavior is cheerful and attentive; no more leash tugging!'
Zelene. Maryland
'So far I have taught my dog to go the bathroom outside the house, in the yard. I have also achieved something very important which is how we must love our pet because it is a family member; I pay much more attention to how the Shiba Inu acts. I now know that one must first understand the psychology a dog before training it, and believe me, it took a lot to practice. As you stated in your comments regarding food items: I must let my dog know that he is a member of a litter and that litter has a leader. By following your advice first I am well on the way to achieving all my goals, thank you.'
Gilbert Barnes. Louisiana
'I've learned to teach my dog without hitting him, rubbing his nose in its mess; these acts are no longer needed! I actually learned how to teach him to go to the places I want him to go. If I do not want him to chew shoes, furniture or anything you do not want him to play with, you must buy toys that can entertain without injuring anything or anybody. I bought him some footballs and we have a sensational time playing with him now. I see new behavior unfolding before me every day, and we treat him as a member of the family; I try to give quality time, though my work takes up most of my time, I give quality not quantity, but we enjoy it together. Thanks Mark!'
Katy Rivera. Mxico
'Understanding that their behavior is the main indicating factor, along with the many tips to help me raise her better; I now understand and treat her better, taking better advantage of the cues in her behavior without spoiling her. My Shiba Inu has almost grown to its full potential... and I'm still in the process... she no longer does damage, and she is compliant with all the gushing; she wants to greet people by jumping on top of them, but no longer barks when left alone.'
Ursula. Wyoming
'I got him to learn his name, he comes when I call, and we also worked with him in obedience training. Your eBook was, and remains, very useful. It is the only text I use.'
Marvin. Oregon
Raymond. Alabama
'I've learned to understand its behavior better and to understand how they, the dogs, think.'
Danielle Walker. Toronto
'I have a dog that is 10 years old and been with us since he was a puppy; I could never teach him to pee outside the house, and indeed he has now become a very obedient dog I never knew why he kept misbehaving until now! My puppy is only three months old and they quickly learned that it must be done away from the home... it's amazing how easy it is if you just know the facts.'
Violeta Snchez. Mxico
'I think the main benefit I got out of your eBook is the ability to understand, and thus not physically punish him when he was acting out. Ive seen a huge change in attitude because of the methods provided in this eBook I felt closer to him and obviously I found it intellectually easier to understand Shiba Inu s in general and act accordingly.'
Herbert Turner. Maryland
'Through the eBook I managed to control the physiological needs of my dog, established a permitted area for specific things, taught him proper socialization, obedience with children, to respond to calls immediately, and to respect forbidden areas.'
Rolf Lewis. Alabama
'One of the benefits of your eBook is that now there is no poop in the house unless it rains, in which case she does it on the newspaper. She comes when called by name and gives toys when asked.'
Lorena. Illinois
Shiba Inus are intelligent dogs.
However their unique personality and distinct Shiba Inu temperament makes them somewhat difficult to obedience train.
A Shiba Inu is a basal breed of dog which make their DNA less hardwired for human socialization.
In general, Shiba Inus are independent dogs and do not need or crave much attention from their owners.
That means, Shibas like to interact with their owners on their terms. Thus, obedience training a Shiba Inu will not be as easy as training a Labrador.
Shiba Inu training takes patience, calm energy and lots of positive reinforcements.
Training a Shiba with other aggressive methods such as aversive punishment training is rarely successful and not recommended.
But in order to be a successful Shiba Inu owner, you still need to assert yourself as the leader of your dog in order for your Shiba Inu to respect, trust and ultimately obey you Theories About Dominant / Hierarchical Training Methods
The words pack leader and dominance are not words dog trainers and behaviorists like to hear.
Many trainers and behaviorists argue that the dominant / subordinate behavior does not exist in dogs because instead dogs act more like wolves in wolf packs who work together cooperatively and with less of a hierarchical structure.
Thus these trainers will assert that humans and dogs too, engage in this cooperative behavior.
This theory has been recently debunked by scientists studying the pack behaviors of dogs and wolves.
The scientists observed wolves cooperate as a pack and were generally tolerant of one another - regardless of rank.
On the other hand, scientists observed that dogs do not naturally cooperate and instead rely on strict, linear dominance hierarchies that demand obedience from subordinates.
What these studies show is that dogs do respect pack dynamics and hierarchy .
Therefore, in order for you to be a successful Shiba Inu owner, you must assume the leadership position.
By doing so, youll have a Shiba Inu that trusts you, respects you, and most importantly - obeys you.
Youll also have a Shiba Inu that exhibits less aggression and fearfulness as theyll naturally feel confident that youll be able to provide them comfort and safety.
But just remember that you can be the alpha leader of your Shiba Inu without resorting to aversive punishment .
The American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior does not recommend dominance training due mainly to the fact that this type of training normally involves aversive punishment techniques such as hitting, choking, and other negative physical reprimands. Shiba Inu For Sale
The AVSAB official stand on the dominance hierarchy theory is as follows:
The AVSAB emphasizes that animal training, behavior prevention strategies, and behavior modification programs should follow the scientifically based guidelines of positive reinforcement, operant conditioning, classical conditioning, desensitization, and counter conditioning.
The AVSAB recommends that veterinarians not refer clients to trainers or behavior consultants who coach and advocate dominance hierarchy theory and the subsequent confrontational training that follows from it.
2008 AVSAB American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior Our Stance on Dominance / Hierarchical Training Methods
We agree with the ASVAB and follow most of their guidelines except on the position of the need for hierarchical structure.
Due to our own training experiences with Shiba Inus and the fact that scientific studies prove the existence of hierarchical structure in dog relationships - we do advocate the need for the Shiba Inu owner to assume the alpha or top position.
But unlike traditional dominance training - we do not advocate for any aversive punishment to be used on your Shiba Inu.
Doing so would be first of all, dangerous.
Secondly, these aggressive and aversive methods usually make the dog more anxious in the long run.
Understandably, these aggressive methods may work well in the short term - simply because your dog is fearful and simply submitting to you.
However, the long term results may not hold up as relying on fear / submission to uphold your leadership is unhealthy .
Moreover, your dog may only learn to submit to you but still be disobedient with others if you are not around.
You can think of your role as you being the strong, but kind and compassionate leader of your family. You know what behaviors are best for your family, and you know how to correct these behaviors when necessary without violence.
Being alpha does not simply mean being the boss . It means more of taking on the responsibility of teaching your dog the best behaviors to ensure their safety as well as the safety of others.
As a responsible Shiba Inu leader, you will expect your Shiba to come when called, sit and stay when told to, and back down when commanded.
Dont get the impression that the alpha is the one who beats the subordinates up when they dont get what they want. Thats more of a bully.
Assertive and proactive handling can be just as effective and even more effective than aggressive punishment methods.
Shiba Inus are highly sensitive dogs and if handled too aggressively, you will lose their trust of you. The bond between you and your Shiba could also suffer.
Dog training is nuanced and not a black and white concept. It may take some trial and error to find the best method that works for you and your Shiba Inu's unique family dynamics. Shiba Inu Sale The Importance of Addressing Your Shiba Inus Emotional State
Another often overlooked factor in dog training is understanding your dog's emotional state of mind.
Dr. Sophia Yin , a well-known and respected veterinarian and dog behaviorists who sadly passed away in 2014 covers this topic with great depth.
She asserts the critical importance of addressing a dogs emotional state when training. Those who use punishment methods of training may very well suppress and not address the dogs underlying emotional state that is causing the misbehavior in the first place.
So by taking what we learned from the various studies involving the hierarchical nature of dogs and wolves and also the experience from experts like Dr. Yin, we can better understand whats the best approach to dog training for our own specific needs.
From Sophia Yin, DVM The old method of training was to assume dogs were trying to be dominant if they didnt behave. As a result we would use force until they gave in rather than addressing the underlying emotional state or cause (such as fear or rewarding of inappropriate behaviors). We would also focus on punishing the bad behavior when we were also accidentally rewarding the bad behaviors too , and we would forget to reinforce appropriate behaviors at a really high rate so that these behaviors could become a habit.
Updated methods based on the psychology of learning and behavior take into consideration the motivations and emotional state the are driving behavior and factor in the everyday reinforcers both accidental and incidental, that drive the behavior. The Anatomy of The Inexperienced / Uninformed Dog Owner
If you are a dog owner that coddles the dog with baby voices and never reprimands the dog - you are much more likely have a disobedient dog with fear and aggression issues.
Because if you baby the dog and submit to the dog, your dog will not see you as their leader and protector.
So if you arent the leader - who is?
Ultimately, the dog will think that top position belongs to him and with that position comes responsibility and unnecessary stress.
Dogs who dont have confident pack leaders likely have aggression issues as they feel it is their own responsibility to protect and defend their pack.
Unfortunately, behind many (but not all) aggressive dogs, a weak and subordinate owner is at fault.
So while you may think that babying your dog like you would baby a child is good for their emotional well-being - you need to realize that a dog is not wired the same way as we are.
Between 6 - 8 weeks old, you can begin the important process of socializing your dog. This early stage in puppy development is absolutely critical .
When you put effort into socializing your puppy and exposing it to various stimuli at this young age - the outcome is well worth the extra effort.
On the other hand, if you fail to properly socialize your Shiba Inu puppy during their critical development time - you will likely have a Shiba Inu that is very difficult to train in the future.
Not only will you have Shiba Inu that is difficult to train, but you will also likely have a Shiba Inu that is anxious and unsociable with humans and other dogs.
The anxiety can lead to further problems down the road such as aggression and fearfulness.
Socializing your Shiba Inu is the most important aspect of Shiba Inu training.
Socializing your Shiba Inu gives your Shiba Inu life skills that will prevent many fearful and dangerous situations in the future.
But remember, socializing is not the same as simply exposing your dog to various people and situations.
For example, if you simply expose your dog to its first interaction with strangers without any direction - your dog will likely still be afraid of strangers, and in some cases, even more so.
Instead, socializing your dog means exposing your dog to various situations and teaching your dog the proper way to react and adapt to those situations.
Think Like Your Shiba Inu
In order to properly train your Shiba Inu, it is important to understand what motivates your Shiba Inu the most.
For the most part, I can get to the point and tell you that most Shiba Inus are motivated by food. Toys and praise just wont do the trick.
For Shibas, the treat reward system works best.
In fact, based on animal studies, (Fukuzawa and Hayashi, 2013; Okamoto et al 2009) Companion Animal Psychology reports that the treat reward system is the 1 method to train a dog.
If you are training a Shiba Inu puppy, make sure your puppy is in a good state of mind and keep the sessions short and positive.
Start Training Your Shiba Inu As Early as Possible
One of the first things you should teach a Shiba puppy is bite inhibition.
Puppies love biting and Shiba Inu puppies really love biting.
Teaching a Shiba puppy inhibition is especially important to establish yourself as the leader and the enforcer. You will reprimand when the pup is bad, but also praise when the pup does something positive like obey a command.
Some might find that puppy biting is cute and natural.
However, letting your Shiba Inu bite you at any time is not recommended. If you let your Shiba bite you, your Shiba will have no problems biting others.
Be In The 'Right' Mood
Before training, let your Shiba Inu puppy play a bit to expend some energy and encourage a positive state of mind.
You too, should be in a good state of mind.
Dont train your Shiba Inu if you are in a rushed or stressed state.
Dogs, as well as little puppies are very perceptive.
Training your Shiba Inu in a bad mood will negatively affect your future training sessions as your Shiba Inu will potentially associate your bad mood with future training sessions.
Shiba Inu Training - Easy Does It
Start with really simple commands like sit and down.
Reward with tiny pieces of tasty treats and lots of high pitched (they can hear it better) praise.
As your puppy begins to learn the obedience commands, you can alternate between giving a treat and simply giving a vocal phrase.
It is not ideal to give your Shiba Inu a treat every single time he or she performs a command.
If you do so, they will expect a treat EVERY time and they can and will choose not to perform a command if they notice that you do not have a treat with you. Shiba Inu Good Citizen Training - The Importance of Obedience Training Your Shiba Inu
It's important and many times, critical, to have a balanced Shiba Inu that can get along and play well with others.
Unsocialized Shiba Inus can be a bite hazard and or escape risk.
So before attempting to teach your Shiba Inu fancy trick commands - stick with obedience training and dont stop until your Shiba Inu has mastered it - youll save yourself, your Shiba Inu, and others from potentially dangerous situations.
The basic goals of obedience training is to teach your dog to listen to your commands consistently with no resistance.
Three Key Shiba Inu Commands
First and foremost, you need to teach your Shiba Inu basic obedience commands such as sit, stay, and heel.
These three commands are vital for the long term safety of your Shiba Inu as well as others around your dog.
Shiba Inus have a natural inclination for hunting and they are known to be runaways when off-leash.
By teaching obedience commands like stay, and come until they are 100 compliant , you can avoid a lot of heartache later on down the road.
So before getting into fancier commands like fetching you a drink from the fridge, make sure that your Shiba Inu knows the commands stay and come are the two commands that they must listen to EVERY SINGLE TIME - without compromise.
Proofing Your Shiba Inu
This is called proofing your dog which means that the dog understands the command no matter where or what the circumstance is.
For example a proofed dog will sit on command at home or in a loud and bustling street corner. Training Adult Shiba Inus
If you just brought an adult Shiba Inu into your household, dont immediately begin training. You need to take enough time to gain your Shiba Inus full trust and respect.
Due to the Shiba Inus aloof personality, this process could take some time.
During this time you need to assert yourself as a firm, but fair leader.
Every Shiba Inu has their own unique quirks and taking the time to learn these quirks will help you properly structure a custom training regimen for your Shiba Inu.
Before diving deep into serious training, take some time to bond with your Shiba Inu by discovering his or her likes and dislikes.
Go for walks, play a bit, and of course treat your new friend to enjoyable dog treats.
Its also a great time to begin the process of grooming your Shiba.
Hopefully, you have a Shiba that accepts handling. If not, at least youll learn what youll be up against in future training and conditioning sessions. Aggression, Resource Guarding
Aggression and resource guarding are behavioral issues that involve more complex training methods.
Before attempting to train a Shiba with aggression issues, be sure that you do not put yourself, your family, or your Shiba in dangerous situations while training.
If you have an especially aggressive and reactive Shiba Inu, itll be best to consult with animal behaviorist / trainer instead of attempting to solve the problem yourself.
Basal dog breeds like Shiba Inus are more primitive in nature than more domesticated breeds such as Labs and Poodles.
Accordingly, basal breeds exhibit wild behaviors such as aggression and resource guarding more often than their more domesticated counterparts.
The best method to train your aggressive behavior out of your Shiba Inu depends on various factors such as intensity of aggression and how your Shiba Inu responds to your training methods.
Some Shiba Inus may need a bit more assertive training while others, such as puppies, may respond better to reward training.
If your Shiba Inu has a history of biting, you should learn how to properly use a muzzle to ensure your safety as well as others.
In some cases, you may need someone else to help with your aggressive Shiba Inu simply because your Shiba Inu does not respond to your training techniques.
The main thing is to make sure that your Shiba Inu understands which behaviors are acceptable and which are not.
Shiba Inus can be very stubborn so patience and consistency will go a long way.
For example, if your Shiba Inu growls or snaps at you and you do not do anything - you are actively enforcing that negative action. Instead, you shouldve immediately said No! in a firm and authoritative command.
Then, redirect your Shibas attention by commanding your Shiba to sit and then lie down. If your Shiba Inu obeys, praise and reward your Shiba so that the situation ends on a positive note.
Ideally, by starting the process of socializing and obedience training your Shiba early - youll never find yourself in a predicament with a untrusty and dangerous Shiba Inu.
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